
2 Scripts: Inside Out: Characters: JOY, SADNESS, ANGER & FEAR; Group Scripts for 3 or 4 Players

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Original story by Pete Docter and Ronnie Del Carmen Screenplay by Pete Docter, Meg LeFauve and Josh Cooley 

Published by scriptsandsketches.com

Characters: Joy, Anger, Sadness and (Fear)


Extract from Script:

JOY (V.O.): Hey look! The Golden Gate Bridge! Isn’t that great?! It’s not made out of solid gold like we thought, which is kind of a disappointment, but still! 

SADNESS: I sure am glad you told me earthquakes are a myth, Joy. Otherwise I’d be terrified right now! 

ANGER: Step on it, Daddy! 

SADNESS: Why don’t we just live in this smelly car? We’ve already been in it forever. 

JOY: Which, actually, was really lucky, because that gave us plenty of time to think about what our new house is going to look like! Let’s review the top five daydreams. 

JOY: Ooh! That looks safe! Ohh, this is will be great for Riley! Oh, no, no, no, THIS one. A gingerbread house. 

ANGER: Ugh, Joy. For the last time, she cannot live in a cookie. THAT’S the one! It comes with a dragon! 

JOY (O.S.): Now we’re getting close, I can feel it. Here it is, here’s our new house… and… (The car stops and Riley steps out).