
The Odd Couple – Female Vsn:- Duologue – Hoover Scene – 13+ Yrs


Great physical theatre sketch from Neil Simon.

FLORENCE takes the vacuum cleaner and crosses into the kitchen with it. OLIVE steps on the cord, as FLORENCE yanks from the kitchen. On the third yank, OLIVE lifts her foot and we hear a loud crash from the kitchen. FLORENCE comes out limping as OLIVE smiles and sits on sofa. FLORENCE is carrying a tray with a steaming dish of spaghetti on it. She sits at the table and sprays cheese on the spaghetti and begins to eat. OLIVE gets up, takes deodorizer can and crosses. She sprays all around FLORENCE to erase the scent of the spaghetti and gives one final spray into the dish of spaghetti itself. . . FLORENCE puts down her fork and napkin, trying to contain her anger. OLIVE has resumed her seat on the sofa and continues reading.

OLIVE: You had your chance to talk last night. I begged you to come upstairs with me. I was looking for romance and instead I got a petrified woman standing in my doorway. I never want to hear the sound of your voice again, do you understand? FLORENCE: Si, Yo comprendo. Gracias. OLIVE: (Takes key out of pocket, crosses to FLORENCE) There’s a key to the back door. Stick to the hallway and your room and you won’t get hurt. FLORENCE: (Indignant) Oh, really? Well, let me remind you that I pay half the rent and I’ll go into any room I want. OLIVE: Not in my apartment. I don’t want to see you. Cover the mirrors when you walk through the house . . . (threatening) And I’m sick and tired of smelling your cooking. I’ve had it up to here with your polyunsaturated oils. Now get that spaghetti off of my table. FLORENCE: (Laughs) That’s funny. That’s really funny. OLIVE: What the hell’s so funny about it? FLORENCE: It’s not spaghetti. It’s linguini. (OLIVE looks at her as if she’s crazy. Then OLIVE picks up the plate of pasta, crosses to the kitchen door and hurls it into the room against the far, unseen wall.) OLIVE: Now it’s garbage!! (OLIVE looks self satisfied. FLORENCE looks into the kitchen, aghast.)


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