
Acting Bundle: 3 x Duologue Scripts for Ages 8 – 11



 by Ann Cartwright

JOEY, a fish, lives in an aquarium with a miniature castle. He is alone at the start of the scene but he is soon joined by GOLDIE, his new “tank-mate’.

The Magic Mirror: 

by EC Brereton

SNOW-WHITE has fled to the house of the Seven Dwarfs. Her stepmother, the jealous QUEEN, visits her, disguised as an old woman.

The Wind in the Willows: 

by Kenneth Grahame

When MOLE goes boating with WATER RAT, instead of doing his Spring cleaning, he discovers a whole new World.


JOEY: Just look at the time. Not a flake of fish-food in sight. (Looking out) Oy Kid Pack in playing on your computer and feed me, will ya’? – Hello. The other kid’s just walked in. I’ll get her attention. Wait a sec. She’s carrying something. She’s emptying it into the tank. Argh! (GOLDIE plunges in.) 

GOLDIE: Look Out 

JOEY: What’s your game’?

The Magic Mirror: 

SNOW-WHITE: (At the table, polishing a glass) There (Holding it up to the light) I think things look a bit cleaner than they did! Now that’s done I think I’ll fetch the stockings and get on with the mending before the Seven Dwarfs come home, (She fetches a large basket of stockings and sits down to mend them) Hallo! There they are. Nonsense, it’s much too early for them to be back. (She listens) But I do certainly hear footsteps. (A knock at the door) Come in! Oh, I forgot! I mustn’t open the door. I’ll open the window. (She opens the window) What do you want, my good woman?

The Wind in the Willows: 

RAT: Hello. 

MOLE: Hello. 

RAT: You’re Mole, aren’t you? 

MOLE: That’s right. And you’re Rat. 

RAT: That’s right. How d’you do. Well, this is an unexpected pleasure. A bit far from home, aren’t we’? Never seen you around here before.