3 x Aesops’ Fables: Duologue Scripts for 4 – 8 Year Olds
The Mouse and the Lion
Adapted by Gaynor Law
Adapted by Gaynor Law
A duologue for 6 – 8 Years
Characters: LION & MOUSE
MOUSE is fast asleep, in the forest, he yawns and slowly wakes up
The Hare and the Tortoise
Adapted by Gaynor Law
from Aesop’s Fables
Adapted by Gaynor Law
Duologue – Ages 6 – 8 years
The HARE and the TORTOISE are in the wood
The Fox and the Goat
Adapted by Gaynor Law
Adapted by Gaynor Law
Duologue for 6 – 8 Years
Characters: GOAT & FOX
(At the end of a garden by a country house)
The Mouse and the Lion
LION: Thank you, thank you little mouse, I did not believe you when you said you could repay my kindness. Roar! MOUSE: Squeak, squeak! (LION and MOUSE face front with arms around each other)
The Hare and the Tortoise
BOTH: (Say together) And the moral of the story is: A kindness is never wasted, everyone has need of each other! HARE: Here I come, I’ve made it, I’ve won! (Hare looks around to Mr Fox and TORTOISE and is astonished) I can’t believe it, you’re here, you beat me, how on earth did you do it Tortoise? (TORTOISE shrugs – Pause. HARE and TORTOISE move to the front arms around each other.) BOTH: (Say moral together) And the moral of this tale is: You can be more successful by doing things slowly and steadily, than by acting quickly and carelessly.
The Fox and the Goat
GOAT: (Shouting) You can’t just leave me, help, help, someone help me. Well at least I have got water to drink it could be worse (forlorn with his head down) BOTH: (Both come forward arms around each other and say together) And the moral of the story is: “Always look before you leap”