
THE MIDWICH CUCKOOS: Duologue Script By John Wyndham Adapted by Scripts and Sketches


Adapted for ScriptsandSketches.com


Characters: SIR JOHN and ERIC

After a day when everyone in the quiet English village of Midwich mysteriously falls asleep, most women of child-bearing age in the village are found to be pregnant. They give  birth to children who mature incredibly fast, have telepathic abilities, and can even control other people. When a mob of frightened and angry villagers tries to burn down the house where the Children live, the Children make them attack each other. In this scene, the Chief  Constable SIR JOHN interviews one of the Children. ERIC, although younger, has the maturity and appearance of an older teenager.

Extract from Script:

SIR JOHN: (Puzzled) You say you made them fight one another. How did you do that?

ERIC: It is too difficult to explain. I don’t think you could understand.

SIR JOHN: (Irritated, but showing restraint) Nevertheless, I’d like to hear.

ERIC: (As one stating a fact) It wouldn’t be any use.


SIR JOHN: (With growing irritation) However it was done – and we’ll have to go into that later – you are admitting that you were responsible for what happened?

ERIC: We are responsible for defending ourselves.

SIR JOHN: To the extent of four lives and thirteen serious injuries? When you could, you say, have simply sent them away.


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