GEORGE: Bust or loaded, either one or the other, anyway what about you? Is Samantha still your girlfriend?
WILL: No, she …
GEORGE: (Launching in) Oh, thank god for that. You know when I went out with her briefly at uni., she was such a pain! She didn’t drink, didn’t eat red meat .. I mean boring doesn’t even get close, …
WILL: George …
GEORGE: (Taking no notice)… you know once we went out for a meal, I deliberately chose a vegetarian restaurant for her. She drank carrot juice and had a salad! Nothing else!! I mean my god live a little! (mimicking Samantha) ‘I can’t eat garlic, chilli doesn’t agree with me, and asparagus … well let’s not even go there!!! God she was a nightmare, anyway you’re well rid of that one, and her breath??!! Oohh, dear dear!!
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