
Cross-Purposes – Duologue for Boys Aged 13+ Yrs


Two young men, Will and George: mid twenties meet up after having been best mates at University and not having seeing each other for 5 years.

GEORGE dated Samantha briefly at uni. then WILL went out with her after they both left and went their own way. GEORGE and WILL have now reconnected on Facebook and meet in a wine bar to catch up on old times.

GEORGE is sitting at a table in a Kensington wine bar when WILL arrives

GEORGE: Bust or loaded, either one or the other, anyway what about you? Is Samantha still your girlfriend?

WILL: No, she …

GEORGE: (Launching in) Oh, thank god for that. You know when I went out with her briefly at uni., she was such a pain! She didn’t drink, didn’t eat red meat .. I mean boring doesn’t even get close, …

WILL: George …

GEORGE: (Taking no notice)… you know once we went out for a meal, I deliberately chose a vegetarian restaurant for her. She drank carrot juice and had a salad! Nothing else!! I mean my god live a little! (mimicking Samantha) ‘I can’t eat garlic, chilli doesn’t agree with me, and asparagus … well let’s not even go there!!! God she was a nightmare, anyway you’re well rid of that one, and her breath??!! Oohh, dear dear!!


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