
Acting Bundle: 4 x Duologue Acting Scripts for Girls Aged 9 – 12

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New Beginnings

by Simon Law – Based on the Enid Blyton Series: St Clare’s

Isabel and Patricia are well brought up girls having been to Redroofs boarding school since the age of 8. They are home for the summer holidays

Old Fashioned Girl 

by Louisa May Alcott

Old Fashioned Girl is set in America in the 1860’s. POLLY MILTON a young teenager, comes from a quiet life in the country to stay with her wealthy cousins, the Shaws in the big city. She is to discover how very different life is in the city from everything she has known, and how different are the attitudes of city folk. Here, at the beginning of the story POLLY meets her vein and fashionable cousin FANNY for the second time. The girls are about the same age. The scene is set in POLLY’S bedroom.


by Philip Ridley

POLLY is on the roof of a tower block talking to Jake, who is hiding away from the class bullies. Before long NATASHA joins them and can’t understand at first why POLLY is associating with such a ‘geek’.

The Glass Slipper 

by H & E Farjeon

ARAMINTA and ARETHUSA, Cinderella’s step-sisters, are getting ready for the palace ball. They quarrel and bicker as they apply their make-up.

New Beginnings

by Simon Law adapted from an Original by Enid Blyton

Patricia: Oh, it’s going to be such fun at Ringmere, we’ll be with all our friends from Redroofs and …

Isabel: .. and we’ll play hockey and have our own bedroom and study, I can’t wait!

Patricia: Neither can I. Oh, I do hope the food is as good, I’ve heard it’s scrumptious! Frances told me it was a really exclusive school, you know, only girls with rich parents go there we’ll fit in so well
Isabel: Yes, and Mary told me that we have to wear evening wear for dinner, how elegant! Patricia: Mother, why are you pulling that strange face, you look like a squirrel, what’s on earth’s the matter?

Old Fashioned Girl

By Louisa May Alcott

FANNY: Darling Polly! I’ve been simply dying to meet you. You had no trouble finding Tom at the station?

POLLY: No, I recognised him immediately from your description of him.

FANNY: You didn’t tell him how I described him, did you?

POLLY: Well, yes. Shouldn’t I have done? He didn’t seem very pleased.

FANNY: Poor Tom. I expect he’s consoling himself in the kitchen with milk and cookies. He’s an awful boy, my dear; and if you have anything to do with him, he’ll torment you to death. Boys are all horrid, but he’s the horridest one I ever saw, I suppose that’s your travelling coat and hat?

POLLY: No. These are my best things.


by Philip Ridley

POLLY: How did you get up here?

NATASHA: How did I? – Oh, just my usual after-school abseiling. What d’ya  mean, how did I get here, you silly cow? I walked up the bloody  stairs. The last two flights need a bloody government health warning. Thought the boy’s toilets at School were bad enough. (Takes perfume from handbag and sprays herself)

POLLY: How did you know I was up here, Natasha’?

NATASHA: Your brother told me – well, told’s a bit of an exaggeration

The Glass Slipper 

by H & E Farjeon

ARAMINTA: Fingers, fingers! That’s my dressing table, thank you! Leave my pots and pomatums alone.

ARETHUSA: I was only…

ARAMINTA: (Mimicking) “I was only, I was only” – You was only, you was only

ARETHUSA: Don’t Snatch!

ARAMINTA: Don’t snitch! You can go to prison for snitching.

ARETHUSA: If it comes to snitching, who snutch my circassian cream”?