
Reserved: Monologue – Suitable for 11 – 15 Yrs


Reserved: by David Campton 


Reserved, madam, that table is reserved. (She passes on with her tray. The shopper gives no sign of having heard, but establishes herself more comfortably in her seat – removing hat or scarf gloves etc. The Waitress returns, realises the shopper is still there, and stops) I said this table is reserved. Look. The notice. It says “Reserved”. (She replaces the notice, bustles on, pauses, turns and comes back.) You did hear me? There’s no service at this table. So there’s no point in sitting at it. If you don’t mind… (Shopper stands. Airily, with a Wave) You’ll find a place over there. (She turns away With an aside to another table that the shopper can hear) Really. Some people.


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