
Acting Bundle: 3 x Group Scripts for Boys and Girls Aged 9 – 12


Once Bitten Twice Shy 

Adapted for 3 and 4 Players. Characters; Reg, Barney, Major (Mrs W)

Reg and Barney live in a flat in Barungo North Africa. Barney is a nervous little man. They and their friends who’ve come over, work in an International Banking firm, Reg comes in after a night out, Barney is lying very still on the bed with sheet over him.


By Laurie Allen: Adapted for 5 Players. 

MUM, DAD and the family are dining out at a ‘sophisticated’ restaurant. DAD would rather have had a burger than fancy food and gets into trouble with his wife when his children start to play up!

Once Bitten Twice Shy 

Adapted for 3 and 4 Players. Characters; Reg, Barney, Major (Mrs W)


BARNEY: (whispering) Reg!

REG: (Loud) Yes? Oh, we had such a good time, you should have come with us, hahahah!!


REG: (Calling out) Coffee or tea?

BARNEY: Over here! (Reg comes out of the kitchen)

REG: I’ve made you tea, (gives Barney a mug of tea) I know you don’t sleep with too much coffee, now then, what is it that’s so important?

BARNEY: Shut up!


By Laurie Allen: Adapted for 5 Players. 

MUM: Well, this is very nice isn’t it? 

CLARE: I wanted to go to Burger Empire 

DEN: Here we go! 

CLARE: Oh, shut it, Den! 

DEN: Can’t eat anything unless she can pick it up with her hands! 

DAD: Not in a restaurant, thank you


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