The Odd Couple – Pre-Dinner Scene: Duologue Boys 13+ Yrs
A great scene for physical theatre;
TIME: About 8 o’clock.
AT RISE: No one is on Stage. The dining table looks like a page out of House and Garden, It’s set up for dinner for four, complete with linen tablecloth, candles and wine glasses. There is a floral centerpiece and flowers about the room, and crackers and dip on the coffee table. There are sounds of ACTIVITY in the kitchen. The front door opens and OSCAR enters with a bottle of wine in a brown paper bag, and his jacket over his arm. He looks about gleefully as he listens to the sounds from the kitchen. He puts the bag onto the table and his jacket over the chair, Down Right.
FELIX: (Follows OSCAR) I’ll tell you what difference. You told me they were coming at seven-thirty. You were going to be here at seven to help me with the hors d’oeuvres. At seven-thirty they arrive and we have cocktails. At eight o’clock we have dinner. It is now eight o’clock. My London-broil is finished! If we don’t eat now the whole damned thing’ll be dried out! OSCAR: Oh, God, help me. FELIX: Never mind helping you. Tell Him to save the meat. Because we got nine dollars and thirty-four cents worth drying up in there right now. OSCAR: Can’t you keep it warm? FELIX: (Paces Right) What do you think I am, the Magic Chef? I’m lucky I got it to come out at eight o’clock. What am I going to do?OSCAR: I don’t know. Keep pouring gravy on it. FELIX: What gravy? OSCAR: Don’t you have any gravy?
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