
Snow White – Wicked Queen: Monologue


SNOW WHITE:  Written for ScriptsandSketches.com – Monologue – by Simon Law: Characters: THE WICKED QUEEN

Snow White is an original story from Grimms Fairy Tales. In this scene, the Wicked Queen, Snow White’s step-mother, is telling her side of the story in traditional pantomime format. 


WICKED QUEEN: Well hallo my lovelies! I do hope you’re all sitting comfortably, because I’m going to tell you a story. It’s about a girl call Snow White, her mother and her step mother, (proudly) that’s me by the way!! Ready .. good, now then, many years ago there was a Queen in a far off land who they say (though I don’t believe them) was very very beautiful. Se didn’t have any children, but oh, how she wished she could have a little girl.

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